Pumpkin Certified Vehicles

"Look for the Certified Blue Oval Sign on the windshield; it's a stamp of excellence and uniqueness" -Franck Freon
Let's discover the different steps taken in Franck Freon's Pumpkin Fine Cars Certification Process
First Step : Franck scans the vehicle and gets its complete history from AUTOCHECK or CARFAX. The history has to be perfect for the vehicle to stay in the race for certification.
Using an expensive and compact Ultra Sound Paint Meter, Franck makes sure that the paint is the absolute original one from the factory. Nobody else goes that deep. We see "certified vehicles" all the time sold with a clean AutoCheck or clean Carfax that were previously damaged. Don't fall for it, these "bad" certified vehicles are everywhere; at massive franchise dealerships and giant cookie-cutter pre-owned retailers alike. Only a Franck Freon's Certification is a bullet-proof guarantee.
Second Step : We are now confident that the body is perfect, so it's time for our 24 Hours of Daytona Winner to make sure the guts are just as perfect. Franck then personally drives the vehicle around town and on the highway up to the legal speed limit in order to write his report. Having spent more than 20 years racing at 200 mph, Franck's driving experience and technical feel has no match. Ask other dealers who "assesses" their cars! You may be surprised!

Third Step : The technical report is written....your future vehicle goes now to our ASE Certified Automotive Workshop in order to be technically prepared and fine-tuned. Our technicians respond to Franck's report and also go through a check-up list that includes:
- Change Oil + Oil filter according to manufacturer specifications
- Check tires and tire pressure to be at least 50% minimum tread depth to pass the Certification test guarantying you many miles of safe driving.
- Check brake pads and rotors. Brake pads (minimum 50%) in order to pass the Certification test again guarantying you many miles of safe driving.
- Check battery in order to make sure cold morning starts will be fine.
- Check Transmission fluid level and quality.
- Check Differential(s) fluid level and quality.
- Check Transfer Case / AWD unit fluid level and quality.
- Check cooling system for leaks and coolant quality.
- Check engine hoses and belts.
- Checks exhaust system.
- Check suspension elements for safety.
- Check air filter.
- Check lights (bulbs, lenses).
The vehicle is then test driven one more time to confirm its technical readiness.
Fourth Step : So we have now a safe and sound vehicle but we want "peace of mind" for our customers. Therefore a vehicle cannot get its Pumpkin Certified Stamp if it doesn't carry a minimum of 12 MONTHS or 12,000 MILES of nationwide Factory Warranty.

Fifth Step : Last but not least, your next vehicle goes to our in-house "Magic Room". There, our specialists will address dings, scratches, leather and glass repairs, detailing, buffing and waxing, carpets and mats steaming (carpets will be wrapped in clear plastic), engine cleaning, tire shining and some others steps that we keep secret but make our cars absolutely top-level pre-owned. Stop by to find out!