Happy Holidays To All and a Prosperous 2010!
Santa came early this year at Pumpkin Fine Cars & Exotics and he came in style. Santa was sporting his usual red velvet attire with Mrs. Claus and their Captain Elf in tow.
Our holiday showroom hours will vary slightly with our shop being closed on Christmas day and New Years day. We will be open on Christmas Eve for a half day, 10:00am to 2:00pm and on New Years Eve we will be extending the early closing by two hours, 10:00am to
4:00pm. This will ensure that our Pumpkin staff and customers will be home safely with their famililes before any festivities begin. If you are planning on visiting us during the Holiday break, appointments for test drives are always welcome.
Breaking UpDate:
Tommorrow's forcast is calling for 10-20 inches of snow. If this occurs over night and we awake to a white day, our showroom will close and will re-open on Monday, Decemb
er 21 at our regular scheduled opening of 10:00am. If you are planning on coming to visit us, call us first at(609)646-7676.
For more information on Pumpkin Fine Cars & Exotics or if you would like to check out our recent inventory of pristine, pre-owned vehicles, log onto www.pumpkincars.com. As always, drive safe, be Merry and have a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!
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